MBA Scholarships: How to Boost Your Chance

Were you aware that there are actions you can take that greatly enhance your likelihood of obtaining an MBA scholarship?

The journey to securing an MBA scholarship can appear enigmatic, seemingly dependent on luck, timing, or uncontrollable circumstances. However, many applicants are unwilling to leave their financial assistance to chance. As a prospective MBA student, you likely want to know how you can boost your chances of obtaining a scholarship.

This article will provide a brief overview of MBA scholarships and then discuss ways to improve your chances of entering business school with a substantial financial aid package. Additionally, understanding the top 10 cyber security threats is crucial for MBA students in today’s interconnected world. This knowledge not only helps protect your digital assets but also adds a valuable dimension to your business acumen, further enhancing your overall profile for scholarship applications.

MBA scholarships basics

MBA scholarships aren’t as enigmatic as many applicants believe. The key principle behind securing an MBA scholarship is that the elements making you a strong candidate for admission also influence your eligibility for financial aid. Therefore, to enhance your chances of obtaining a scholarship, you should focus on making your application more competitive. For more insights and tips, you can visit

We’ll soon discuss the elements of a strong MBA application, but let’s first explore the reasons why MBA programs offer scholarships. The primary motivation for a business school to provide a scholarship is to entice you to join their program. This is not an unethical inducement; rather, it is a form of flattery. If you’re an outstanding candidate, a business school may want to give you a significant financial incentive to choose their MBA program.

For those aiming to get into leading programs, there’s promising news: the top business schools possess substantial financial endowments. Take Harvard Business School, for example—it boasted an endowment exceeding $4 billion as of 2021! But the real question is, how can you tap into these funds?

The primary factor to consider? Your GMAT™ exam score.

The primary method for securing MBA scholarships is by achieving a high GMAT exam score. There are several reasons for this. According to most admissions officers, the GMAT score is a crucial predictor of academic success post-admission. Certainly! Here’s a paraphrased version of the paragraph: MBA programs definitely value applicants with high GMAT scores, as there is a correlation between test scores and academic performance. Additionally, GMAT scores play a role in the U.S. News MBA rankings, which business schools closely monitor. They tend to admit candidates with strong GMAT results to sustain or boost their program’s ranking. At Menlo Coaching, our analysis of Round 1 2020 applicants revealed a clear correlation between GMAT scores and MBA scholarships. Specifically, those with scores of 730 or above were awarded significantly higher scholarship amounts compared to those with lower scores. From our experience, we’ve noticed that dedicated studying using official GMAT resources yields better results compared to using materials from other providers. Therefore, I advise every client that achieving a high GMAT score increases their chances of securing scholarship funds over those with lower scores—and I recommend they focus solely on official GMAT problems to attain the best results.

Additional aspects to evaluate: Your MBA application materials

In addition to excelling on the GMAT, crafting an outstanding application is crucial for incoming MBA students to secure scholarships.

Certain applicants attract the attention of MBA programs due to the valuable experiences they bring to classroom discussions. For example, military veterans who have led large groups in combat situations are highly sought after. Other candidates, like private equity professionals or those involved in family businesses, are pursued because MBA programs anticipate their outstanding professional achievements after graduation. Admissions officers believe these applicants will excel in their careers, hold esteemed positions, and potentially become future donors. Whatever your unique strengths may be, clearly articulating them in your application increases your chances of securing a scholarship.

Though a strong GMAT score is crucial for merit scholarship consideration, you must also demonstrate your eligibility for admission through an impressive GPA, well-crafted personal essays, a strong performance in the MBA interview, and a good understanding and alignment with the program’s culture.

Scholarship factors out of your control

Although every applicant needs to have a high GMAT score and a well-written application, certain aspects of securing an MBA scholarship are beyond your control. One such aspect is your identity; if you belong to an underrepresented group, your chances of receiving a scholarship increase. Specifically, some schools and organizations provide MBA scholarships targeted at Black and Latinx candidates.

For instance, approximately two-thirds of MBA candidates are men while one-third are women. However, MBA programs aim to achieve gender balance in their classrooms. Consequently, due to supply and demand dynamics, business schools must make extra efforts to admit and enroll more women, often providing financial aid to women over men when all other conditions are equal. This isn’t merely an opinion or logical reasoning; it’s a fact supported by data in the report 

On the other hand, if you belong to a highly represented group, your initial likelihood of obtaining an MBA scholarship is reduced.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the ranking of the school you are applying to. If you are aiming for lower-ranked business schools, there is a greater likelihood of securing a significant MBA scholarship, particularly with a strong application. However, as the ranking of the program rises, so does the level of competition for MBA scholarships.

Exceptions to the rule

Harvard Business School and Stanford Graduate School of Business stand out as exceptions to the general trend of merit-based MBA scholarships. At these prestigious institutions, scholarships are awarded solely based on financial need. Therefore, MBA students must show proof of financial need to be eligible for a scholarship. While an impressive GMAT score and a solid application are essential for admission, they do not influence the awarding of scholarship funds.

Another notable exception is external MBA scholarships. These scholarships, although still based on merit, necessitate a separate application process after the student has been admitted to the program. For instance, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business provides various MBA scholarship options. Applicants need to submit an additional personal essay to illustrate why they are an ideal candidate. Similarly, Stanford’s Knight-Hennessy Scholars program offers full-tuition scholarships to a select few graduate students, including those pursuing an MBA, who demonstrate outstanding qualifications.

Negotiating your MBA scholarship

An interesting and lesser-known detail about MBA scholarships is that they can be negotiated. The best strategy to increase your scholarship amount is to receive scholarship offers from schools that are considered peers of your target program, as these schools are in competition for MBA candidates.

Among our past clients was an MBA applicant whose top choice was Columbia Business School. She received an offer from NYU Stern with a full tuition scholarship and was also accepted to Columbia, but without any financial aid. I recommended that she write a letter to Columbia detailing her circumstances. In the letter, she should highlight her preference for Columbia, explain the financial hardships she faced coming from a developing country, and underscore the importance of receiving a scholarship.

Columbia ultimately granted her a full-tuition scholarship, which matched the offer from Stern, and enabled her to attend her dream school without any expenses.

Key points to remember

Most MBA scholarships are awarded based on merit. To increase your chances of securing an attractive offer from a business school, it’s essential to achieve a high GMAT score, submit an outstanding application, and negotiate your offers once they are extended to you. Additionally, a strong business law background can further enhance your application and scholarship prospects.